Elena of Avalor

Animation television series produced by and premiered on Disney Channel and teaches the young audiences on thoughtfulness, resilience, and compassion, the traits that all future leaders should have. The show spanned for 3 seasons with average viewership of over 1 million per episode, multiple DVDs and 1 prequel feature film.


Co-Produced and created with Hardy & Howl Flims. The team that is behind the amazing Hoodwinked, a “Rashomon Effect” take on the Red Riding Hood tale among multiple exciting show and feature projects behind their name.

Littlest Robot

Created and developed by our partners from Agent 203, Toon 2 Tango. Comes the beautiful and inspiring tale of a little robot that comes to life and befriends the clueless mouse that wandered the house looking for that delicious cheese.


Another inspiring story that is directed by the talented duo of Tim Hooten and Todd Edwards (Hardy & Howl Films). A story about second chances.

Rock Dog

A thrilling and exciting feature about a wide-eyed Tibetan Mastiff that leaves his home to pursuit his dream of becoming a musician. Directed by Ash Brannon and some star power in the casting, including J.K Simmons and Luke Wilson.